The City of Swan community regularly identifies school parking safety as a concern and Beechboro Primary School has been identified as one of the highest priorities for school parking patrols in the City.
Parking laws are put in place to manage parking and ensure vehicles are stopping and parking in a safe manner. This is especially important around schools where there is a high volume of children and parents with prams as well as people with accessibility requirements. Most parking offences near schools are committed by parents and visitors associated with that school’s community so regular promotion from yourself to the school community, encouraging compliance with parking Local Laws, will assist in achieving the City’s ultimate goal – keeping students and the broader community safe.
To assist with understanding the parking Local Laws, the City has developed a School Road Safety Guide and information flyer to reinforce the key messages around school road safety, including safe parking practices.
The City’s school parking program takes a phased approach to school parking enforcement. Initially this involves City Officers conducting patrols, providing educational advice and cautions to illegally parked vehicles. Once this period has been completed, a stronger enforcement approach will be taken, including the issuing of infringement notices with associated penalties.
When City Officers patrol schools, photographs are taken of vehicles parked unsafely and/or illegally. Formal caution and infringement notices are then issued by post to the registered vehicle owner which may lead to a delay in the receipt of the notice. This is a requirement however in order to reduce incidences of conflict and inappropriate behaviour at the school.
The City’s ultimate aim is to address school parking concerns without imposing penalties. We therefore request your ongoing support and commitment to reinforce safe school parking messages with your school community.
Should you require any further information on the City’s school parking program, or would like to discuss any parking concerns around your school, please contact me via the City’s Community Safety Support Team on 9267 9022.